
Thank you to all those who have supported us in 2015. With your help we have supported 14 local projects helping hundreds more people from all ages become active! Every penny donated is re-invested into the local community making a huge difference in our quest to help build a healthy community.


With thanks to ABP Southampton, everything that’s donated in 2017 and 2018 will be doubled! This will allow us to make an amazing difference to so many people.. So please give generously! 

What is the New Forest Community Fund? 

In the last 31 years the New forest Marathon has donated over £1.25 million to support over 100 local good causes and community groups from the New Forest and surrounding area. To help this pot grow and to continue to support all the superb organisations that exist within the New Forest and surrounding area, we have set up the New Forest Marathon Community Fund.

Local groups or organisations can apply to the fund to help run projects that inspire any age to be physically active in the forest and surrounding area.

Who manages the fund? 

The fund is managed by the Hampshire and Isle of White Community Foundation and The New Forest Marathon Committee. The Foundation will provide support with the simple application process, assess applications, and will monitor and evaluate projects to ensure grants are spent appropriately. This process  ensures that your donations are having maximum benefit in our local community. We will update our website regularly so you can see where the money has been allocated and the impact it is having in our local community.  Watch this space for success stories!

Why does the Community Fund has a focus on activity for 2015?

Inactivity and Obesity are now recognised as the 4th biggest killer in the UK costing approximately £20 billion and causing 37,000 deaths every year.

Latest health statistics show the New Forest has the highest rate of obesity in the county. There are many fantastic organisations supporting our community at all ages. Your donations will help support these groups to run projects that inspire people to become more active. We’d love you to join us on our journey to make our community healthier.

How can you help?

We would love you to run to raise money for the community fund and help the many good causes and community groups across the New Forest and surrounding area. Runners can set themselves up with a local giving account to raise sponsorship by simply clicking on the link below and selecting New Forest Marathon Community Fund as your chosen charity.

Runners are welcome to run for any charity they like, and we acknowledge that many runners will have charities that are close to their hearts. If this is the case, we would be delighted if participants can donate the first £10 of their sponsorship to go to the fund.

If you are not a runner you can help by volunteering at the event, please click on the ‘volunteers/race crew’ tab under the ‘Race’ section of this website, alternatively you can click here ADD!

How can I donate?

We have set up a number of ways to be able to make a donation

1, You can set yourself up on local giving by simply clicking on the link below and selecting New Forest Marathon Community Fund as your chosen charity.


2, Anyone can make a donation at any time via Text Donate by texting RUN15 ADD HERE XXXX

3, We have added an option during the race booking process where you can simply add an amount to the relivant box under the XXXX section

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support in helping to make a difference in out local community PLEASE CAN YOU PUT THIS BIT IN A BOX?

How Can I apply to the Fund?

To request an application pack please XXXXXX ADD